This will contain courses related to training events. You may not see any courses here if you have not participated in an event that was shared here in the Foundry. 

EMEA Training with Andreas 2025

Course categoryFileWave Events

Join Sales Engineer Andreas, a seasoned FileWave expert with many years of experience, as he delivers comprehensive German-language instructional videos. This course covers essential device management practices with FileWave, including deployment strategies, software packaging, patch management, and inventory tracking. Whether you’re new to FileWave or looking to enhance your skills, this training will help you streamline your workflows and maximize the potential of FileWave in any environment.

Begleiten Sie Andreas, einen erfahrenen FileWave Sales Engineer mit langjähriger Expertise, in dieser deutschsprachigen Schulungsreihe. Der Kurs behandelt grundlegende Themen rund um das Gerätemanagement mit FileWave, darunter Deployment-Strategien, Software-Paketierung, Patch-Management und Inventurverwaltung. Ob Sie neu bei FileWave sind oder Ihr Wissen vertiefen möchten – dieses Training unterstützt Sie dabei, Ihre Arbeitsabläufe zu optimieren und das volle Potenzial von FileWave auszuschöpfen.

WebAdmin Webinar Summer 2022

Course categoryFileWave Events

Over the summer of 2022, there were a series of webinars given about the WebAdmin interface of FileWave. 

US Training Day Oct-2022

Course categoryFileWave Events

This is the material for the US Training Day from October 2022.

EMEA Training Day Sept-2022

Course categoryFileWave Events

This is the material for the EMEA Training Day from September 2022.

US Alliance Training Day 2018

Course categoryFileWave Events

For all of those who were brave enough to engage with FileWave for the full 3 days of the 2018 Alliance Conference!